First Montenegro seafarer to receive MOL Presidential Award
We are proud to announce that Capt. Zeljko Vucetic (4th from the left) has been awarded with MOL Presidential Award for 2018. The ceremony was held at Mitsui OSK Lines (MOL) headquarter in Tokyo, Japan, on 07/12/2018. The awards are intended to recognize the ongoing safety-related contributions of MOL Group officers and engineers and recognize their key role, in cooperation with fellow seafarers and ship management companies, in ensuring the safe operation of vessels. The recipients share a commitment to the education and training of younger seafarers, an exemplary attitude in their on board work, and years of success in ensuring the safety of the MOL Group fleet.
Capt. Vucetic joined MOL in January 1999, and is one of the first seafarers from Montenegro to join the Azalea Maritime / MOL cadet training program. During 20 years with the Company, he gained experience on various types of crude oil and product tankers, worked in the Ship Management office, and progressing through ranks, was promoted to Master in 2011.