Yacht Skipper up to 500 GT

Yacht Skipper up to 500 GT
Course Information
Course requirement STCW recommended
Duration in hours 174
STCW references A-II/3, A-VIII/2 – 3.1, B-II/1, B-I/12, B-VIII/2 – 3.1

The course aims to provide the trainees with introduction knowledge and understanding of basic theory and practical skills necessary for a Yacht Skipper up to 500GT.

The course is designed for all candidates that want to become Yacht Skipper up to 500GT and meet the conditions set out in the Regulation on ranks and certification of seafarers (Official Gazette of Montenegro number 55/2013).

Candidates successfully completing the course will be competent to plan and execute navigation, determine the position on paper and electronic chart using methods of celestial, terrestrial and electronic navigation. Understanding Radar, ARPA and modern aids to navigation. Perform various manoeuvres (with and without tug assistance in different various weather conditions) to understand and correctly apply the COLREG. Understand structural elements of the hull engine room (engines, installations, equipment, autopilot, mooring and berthing equipment) and stability.

Will gain knowledge about rules and regulations referring to safety at sea, maritime meteorology and oceanography and maritime law. Knowledge of maritime terminology and parts of the ship in English language together with communication in English language in case of distress, urgency and safety, arriving in port and departing, and communication with coast stations and other ships.

Officers who would like to undertake this course must have approved seagoing service of not less than 12 months as Yacht Skipper up to 200 GT or 24 months as Yacht Skipper up to 100 GT or be in possession of a valid CoC (minimum Officer in charge of a navigational watch or Officer in charge of an engineering watch).

All trainees must be certified by doctor to be in good health.

The course takes full account of the detailed outline set in D.9. part of the Regulation on ranks and certification of seafarers (Official Gazette Montenegro number 55/2013).

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